Wall Mount Bike Racks have become the most popular way to store bikes in NYC. With over 6000 installations in the 5 boroughs we have seen the urgent need to create space efficient bike rooms or reconfigure existing bike rooms to increase Bike Room capacity.
Our Bike room Bikenicians get it. We bike, live and work in the city. We want our bike rooms neat, User friendly and space efficient. Our crews travel throughout all the boroughs providing complimentary on-site layouts. We understand bike users concerns and managements. Our goal is to create a room that becomes maintenance free, Easy to use. Our #1888 Wall Mount Bike Bracket is designed and manufactured to create maximum bike storage in minimum spaces. Our #1888 is the only bike bracket sold in the USA with a lifetime warranty. We even provide a lifetime warranty on our installations. Each bike bracket is designed to hold up to 250lbs.
Built to Last, User Friendly bike brackets.
#1888 Wall Mount Bike Brackets with security cable.
Lifetime Warranty. Free Bike Room Layouts.
GalesIndustrial@gmail.com |
Our all welded bracket allows bikes to be stored just 12"apart. By alternating the heights of each bracket the handlebars will not touch the neighbors bike. Each of our brackets comes with a 6ft long heavy duty, Vinyl coated security cable, That can be looped around the bike frame, both tires and locked.
Rated for indoor or outdoor use. The bike bracket is the most popular in NYC. Our success has grown with our bike brackets installed in several cities Daytona, Miami, Naples, Fort Lauderdale, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, San Diego, LA, Seattle, Portland Oregon, Washington DC, Minneapolis, Toronto, Jersey City, Hoboken, Fort Lee and even in Japan.
Gales provides complimentary on-site User Friendly, space efficient layouts. If you would like to set up a bike room or reconfigure your existing bike room to increase capacity give send us an
Gales Bike Storage Solutions
Wall Mount Bike Racks in NYC, Queens NY, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken, Jacksonville Fl., St Augustine, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Orlando, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Portland Oregon, San Francisco, LA, San Diego, Seattle, Arizona, Texas, Minnesota, Tennessee,